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Thursday, August 17, 2006 Search Questions AnsweredSince I am hoping not to lose the 3 or 4 readers I have after yesterday's diatribe, I thought I would ease up a bit again, and answer questions and such that have brought people here from search engines.But first I would simply be remiss if I didn't say I was thrilled to see that our legal system does still work properly as shown by the decision this morning that, NSA spying program was found Unconstitutional and must be halted immediately. (Of course, I am sure this will be blamed on "activist judges") Now on to the lighter fare. What brings people here (recently), what were they looking for, and can I give them an answer. Lilo and Stitch Cancelled - yes it is true. Lilo and Stitch has been cancelled as part of the arcane setup created under Michael Eisner that cancels all shows after 3 years or 65 episodes, regardless of how popular a show it is. Last Year Kim Possible was cancelled as well, but after a groundswell of support and protesting, the show was brought back for a 4th season. You can go here to try and help save Lilo and Stitch. Bensi's Restaurant - an excellent Italian Restaurant... particularly for a franchise chain type of place. Oddly, they do NOT have a website. biodegrable fabric softener - we have just recently started using the one from Ecover. And to tell you the truth we LOVE it. There are others from places like Sun and Earth, Seventh Generation and others, but we are very happy with Ecover right now. war on breastfeeding - the latest salvo in the war is apparently due to the cover of Baby Talk magazine showing a baby breastfeeding. Why are so many people in this country so hung up on sex that they can not appreciate breastfeeding for the natural thing that it is? I wish I knew. From the attorney last year that wrote an op-ed piece comparing breastfeeding to urinating in public, to LiveJournal banning avatars showing breastfeeding, to the astonishingly stupid move at Victoria's Secret of an employee telling a woman to use the rest room for breastfeeding it appears that this is a full scale war by the "purity" nuts that just can not see a breast for anything other than sexual purposes. john kiggins - don't know him, and worse have no idea how you got here from that search. and finally Kim Possible porn animated - you are sick and need serious therapy dude. (I am assuming this is a dude - and I think it is a reasonable assumption). It is bad enough there are still men out there pleasuring themselves to the image of Jessica Rabbit. But this is a kids show! |
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