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Friday, May 19, 2006 Don't pray for me, just pass the coffee pleaseIt never fails, whenever you have one thing going on during a particular weekend, somehow the powers that be seem to need to clutter that particular weekend with multiple events, just to test your resolve. Actually, I think my weekends are actually booked non-stop through the first weekend in June, just to make sure that if one weekend doesn't kill me, there will be a few more chances to take me out.Tomorrow is the "school fair" at LatteGirl's School. It is not a BIG production like many schools do, it is a one day up and down thing for the kids. That will have TheWife up and out of the house at 8 AM, as she has apparently agreed to become an underling to the PTAnal Moms. They have called three times this week to make sure their minion would be there to help with the setup. Why am I not going? Because apparently TheWife thinks that PTA work is a woman's thing, so that is HER "thing" and I am to keep my nose out of it unless specifically instructed to do otherwise. So once TheWife returns, I am to have LatteGirl dressed and ready for the event. We will then spend a good chunk of the afternoon at the fair. From there we return home to get LatteGirl dressed and ready for her dance recital this evening. Allow me here to get sidetracked for a momment for a little shameless bragging and backstory. Back in the fall when LatteGirl began Kindergarten, she decided that she needed to "concentrate just on getting to know the school." (her term.. not mine) She wanted no part in any sort of extracurricular activities. Well, during Winter break, she decided that she no longer needed to stay on the sidelines, and she was ready to start expanding her horizons. So, her and TheWife began checking out dancing schools. They came across one, which actually had a class with some of her friends from Pre-K, they had room for her in the class, but the class had started way back in September. So although she could join the class, it was anticipated that she may not be taking part in the Spring recital. Fast forward just shy of 5 months of dance class, and she has caught up with the rest of the class, and WILL be in the spring recital. Not only has she learned all her own steps for the recital, we caught her a couple of times (when she thinks nobody is looking), practing the steps she watched the older kids learning for the finale. OK, bragging daddy phase is done. Let's move on shall we. So, if that is not enough for a weekend, Friday is the banquet for my bowling league. Although it is fun, this could be skipped, except for one thing. My team placed third this year, and their is CASH involved, so I need to make an appearance. Upon returning home from that I start baking since you cannot (so I am told) invite Aunts and Uncles and Grandparents to a recital without having them back to the house for Coffee and Cake afterwards. Now of couse we did not know we had all these events falling on this weekend when we booked Funtime Junction for LatteGirl's birthday party. Of course it could be worse. We could have actually been silly enough to believe that we could have a party for 16 Kindergarten age girls in our house. But as it turns out, TheWife and I are apparently not as insane as we sometime believe ourselves to be. (Although we are trying to find a slot in that schedule to attempt to get to Toys R Us, in search of a new bike for LatteGirl in time for her actual birthday, and that just may qualify us for "crazy") |
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